I decided to post this so my future students or my newest classmates don’t feel “alone” during online classes, since many people might think that they are by themselves, no one else is feeling bad, and that everyone else is okay.
Firstly, I’d like to start by sharing my experience with online classes.
January was the month in which I decided that I wanted to change my habits, especially my studying habits so, throughout February, I did a lot of research, I watched many many videos about changing my lifestyle, how to organize my time, how to plan my week or daily planning, how to take notes, etc. I honestly felt prepared and ready to succeed. At that time I didn’t even know about COVID-19, it was something I completely ignored, my bad lol.
When we finally started classes I was happy to see my friends and I thought wow! my third year, my first “práctica” I am going to be a teacher now YAS!!!! but then everything changed in the blink of an eye.

March 15th was the day where all my research became trash. We weren’t on quarantine yet but all presential classes were suspended so no more university and no more waking up at 7 (I cannot lie, I was a little happy about that). Online classes began and it was such a pain in the butt T-T I will never forget the last term because it was just horrible! I lost control of everything. I didn’t want to attend my classes, I wasn’t sure about staying in the career, I stopped taking care of myself…it was a mess. However, now that we started our second term I feel more prepared to cope with these type of classes, our teachers are doing the best they can and I appreciate everything they are doing for us and our learning. (Mención especial a todxs lxs profes que lo han dado todo en este periodo, sabemos que es difícil para ustedes y están “shatos”, pero we love you and we support you!)
Now, I’d like to share some tips that helped me not to lose my mind during that stressful time. Many of these tips I found online and some of them were shared by my friends. I hope they help you as much as they helped me!
1. Find a hobby (or do whatever makes you happy :D).
It sounds very simple I know but, believe it or not, you can use this as a distractor. Instead of worrying about school or university, you can do whatever makes you feel relaxed and happy. You can start painting a picture that you like, collect rocks you find whenever you go out, sing your favorite song, practice making music, read your favorite books, etc.

2. Vitamin D.
People tend to forget how important sunlight is. According to Healthline “Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.” In other words go outside (patio, balcony) whenever you can (but don’t forget your sunscreen!!)

3. Connect with your loved ones.
This is a very simple and easy tip. You can call your friends on skype and play games, talk about your day, watch a movie or tell stories. You can also start spending more time with your family or the people you live with. Prepare games/activities to do all together, start a new series, make them know how you feel, if you’re not feeling well, or if you’re happy, you can even tell them how much you love them. I mean just express yourself, sweetie 🙂 This can help you regulate your emotions. Please avoid being in your room all day.

4. Stretch, do yoga, or meditate.
These 3 things make us stay in shape, and it helps us relax and forget a little bit about the tension of being inside our home all day. Besides, it is known that physical activity brings many benefits. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human service, physical activity prevents chronic diseases, it makes your muscles stronger, improves sleep, decreases the potential of becoming depressed, increases your energy and self-esteem, and relieves stress”. You already know, get active! Remember that creating habits might be difficult at first but once you get used to it…it will be a piece of cake!

5. Don’t forget about yourself!
This is, in my opinion, the most important tip I can give you. You need to put yourself as a priority. Motivate yourself by dressing up as you were going to class, put on makeup, take the cutest selfies, and STAY AWAY FROM YOUR PAJAMAS! Try out a new skincare routine, homemade face masks, new/weird/funny hairstyles. Do activities you really enjoy to forget about your classes once in a while (but don’t avoid your responsibilities!!) It is also important to keep your space very clean, try to clean your room twice a week, or every day…it is your choice.
Well people, that was all. I hope these tips help you and that you find some motivation 😀 remember that you are not alone, you can always count on your friends, family, even your teachers. Take care of yourself, stay healthy, and please wash your hands.
(attaching a meme in Spanish)